Surya Ramesh, Natalia Peisert, Bethany Gregory

At COMET, we are always on the lookout for new and driven talent, and we are thrilled to announce the addition of three members to our team, each bringing unique skills and passion that align perfectly with our mission.

Natalia Peisert - Learning and Development Lead

Natalia joins us with over 14 years of experience in the energy sector, specialising in training and development. She is passionate about enhancing skills and supporting individuals in reaching their potential. Natalia has stated -

'I am excited to work with COMET, sharing the philosophy of supporting businesses in improving their people processes through data intelligence, learning and development.’

Outside of COMET, Natalia is a wife and mum to two teens and three cats. In her free time she loves going on walks, connecting with nature and observing the changing seasons. Natalia is also involved with her local community, supporting the development of various green projects.

Click here to connect with Natalia on LinkedIn.

Bethany Gregory - Sales and Marketing Coordinator

Bethany has recently graduated from RGU with a BA Hons in Digital Marketing. Alongside her degree she has two years of marketing experience within the construction industry. Bethany is eager to contribute to both COMET's growth and her own, she voiced,

'I am very excited to be a part of this innovative and dynamic team, I have already learnt a lot and can’t wait to see what the future holds at COMET'

In her spare time, Bethany enjoys spending time with her family and their rescue pets, occasionally helping to foster other animals in need. She also enjoys reading and learning new skills; she is currently learning how to code with Python through an RGU upskilling programme.

Click here to connect with Bethany on LinkedIn.

Surya Ramesh - Data Scientist

Surya, a seasoned data professional with a decade of experience, excels in transforming data into actionable insights. She is also an active supporter of local tech groups and will be speaking at the DATA:Scotland conference this year. About her new role, Surya has stated

"I am eager to utilise Azure ML Studio to provide value to the client data. This aligns perfectly with my passion for transforming data into actionable insights and making a tangible difference"

Surya is passionate about data both in and out of the office and sees herself as a lifelong learner. Outside of the office, Surya volunteers at the Scottish Tech Army and Codethecity. She is also a member of Women in Tech and the Young Scot Data Advisory Group and attends various data conferences regularly. Alongside all of these activities, Surya loves spending time being creative with her two children.

Click here to connect with Surya on LinkedIn.

CEO Mark Rushton shared his enthusiasm:

"I am delighted to welcome Natalia, Bethany, and Surya to the COMET team. Their expertise and enthusiasm are already proving invaluable as we continue to invest in the solutions that will deliver for our clients for years to come."